Orquesta de Plectro de Córdoba
Concierto Kawaguchi
01. Intro
02. El baile de Luis Alonso
03. Canción bohemia
04. Popourri de Aires Andalucez
05. Sevillanas del siglo XVIII
06. Danza ritual del fuego
07. La boda de Luis Alonso
08. Orgía
09. Sakura
10. Intro II
11. Canción de la playa
12. España cañí
bandurria is a
plectrum chordophone from Spain, similar to the cittern and the mandolin, primarily used in Spanish folk music.
Prior to the 18th century, the bandurria had a round back, similar or related to the mandore. It had become a flat-backed instrument by the 18th century, with five double courses of strings, tuned in fourths. The original bandurrias of the Medieval period had three strings. During the Renaissance they gained a fourth string. During the Baroque period the bandurria had 10 strings (5 pairs). The modern bandurria has 12 strings (6 pairs). The strings are tuned in unison pairs, going up in fourths from the low G#. The lowest four strings are a major-third above those of a standard guitar and the highest two strings are a fourth above a standard guitar, ie G♯, c♯, f♯, b, e and a.
Orquesta de Plectro de Córdoba
Orquesta de Plectro de Córdoba is an association of thirty young musicians whose sole purpose is to enjoy making music.
What makes this Orchestra different is that it has successfully fused classical music, popular nationalist and popular music with instruments of their land, resulting in a very special timbre that is attractive to all kind of ears. In their desire to make music it is a priority to rescue the unjustly neglected works and authors that have gone unnoticed in the history of music.

The Bandurria (mandolin) is the instrument that gives its name to the family, because when we speak Spanish lutes we refer to the entire group of ibises, ie, soprano mandolin, mandola contralto, tenor mandolin, mandola mandolin low bass, but are popularly other names, such as bandurrín, lute, Laudon, on lute, etc.., reserving the term mandolin, soprano exclusively for the instrument.
We find the term "Mandura" Provencal language "mandoire" in French. The two appear to be derived, according to John Joseph King and Antonio Navarro from the Sumerian "pan-tur" through the Greek "pandurion" and the Latin "pandura." However, in "The Book of Good Love" from Arciprestre de Hita (fourteenth century), which first appears in a literary text the word "lute", citing as an instrument instruments that already has some tradition.
Today, after having gone through different shapes and sizes throughout history, we can draw such a small instrument with sounding pear profile, tapas and a mast parallel fretted, through which the cords extend (six distributed in pairs), topped with a peg, needing to execute a plectrum or pick. It is therefore an instrument belonging to the category of compounds stringed instruments.
The mandolin in the s. XX, is becoming an essential tool in the folklore of some Spanish regions, and appears also quite often in the Spanish lyrical genre, the Zarzuela.
source of the music & the fotos - Gracias!
hoping to have made the orchestra a little bit more known... : )
and one more time:
¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!
~♥ ~