
Miguel, Miguel, Miguel,

Jatun Cayambe



Nº Titulo - AUTORES - Ritmo - Region

01 Toros de pueblo - Folk.-ÑANDA MAÑACHI - sanjuanito - Cotacachi
02 Los dos hermanitos - Folk.- JUAN CAYAMBE - bomba - Chimborazo
03 Punto de Guaranga - CARLOS ET JULIO ARGUEDAS
04 Amenazas - Folk.- ÑANDA MAÑACHI - sanjuanito - Zuleta
05 Ñuca casaray - FolK.- BANDA DE ANDRADE MARÍN - cumbia - Imbabura
06 Cachiyaco, Aloburo, Caboyal - Folk.- JUAN CAYAMBE - bomba - Ambuqui
07 Jatun cayambe - Folk.- BOLIVIA MANTA - san juan - Imbabura
08 Negra muele caña - Folk.- JUAN CAYAMBE - bomba - Valle del Chota
09 Yana urcu - Folk.- ÑANDA MAÑACHI - sanjuanito - Imbacocha
10 Avecillas - Folk.- BANDA DE ANDRADE MARÍN - albazo - Atuntaqui
11 Por arriba corre el agua - Folk.- JUAN CAYAMBE - sanjuanito - Yoguin
12 Huicucha - Folk.- CARLOS PERUGACHI - Imbabura
13 Cuchara de palo - Folk.- ÑANDA MAÑACHI - sanjuanito - Angochahua
14 Miguel, Miguel - Folk.- JUAN CAYAMBE - bomba - Manzana Huarangui
Músico Ecuatoriano que desde niño supo lo que era la música autóctona del ecuador. Jatun Cayambe, de familia muy humilde, sin estudios y una vida llevadera en el campo comenzó a darse cuenta que le gustaba frecuentar cualquier lugar donde hubiera música. Con su arpa, poco a poco,  aprendió a tocar a su propia manera.
Laurent Aubert, director de los talleres de etnomusicología de Ginebra, comentaba en marzo de 1989, refiriéndose al disco Jatún Cayambe —que reunía las grabaciones que había realizado con este arpista desde 1973 y que tuve el privilegio de conocer, mientras tocaba en medio de la indiferencia general, en la plaza del mercado de Ibarra, Ecuador—:  “Más afín a lo que esperamos está la propuesta del grupo Ñanda Mañachi,  liberada de las escorias del folclorismo, su música reúne el respeto del repertorio tradicional con una interpretación viva y calurosa. En cuanto a Juan Cayambe, el viejo arpista, encarna él solo toda el alma de la música popular ecuatoriana”. 

The Origins, Influences and Development of Ecuadorian Music

Ecuador is home to a number of cultures, including the Mestizo culture and a unique blend of Afro-Ecuadorian culture. Afro-Ecuadorians are the descendants of African slaves who worked on the coastal sugar plantations in the sixteenth century. The Afro-Ecuadorians that are present in Ecuador today are famous for their marimba music as well as their many music and dance festivals. Long before the Spanish had conquered Ecuador, and even before the rise of the Inca civilization, the diverse native cultures of the region had rich musical traditions. It is clear that music has always played an important role in the ancient Andean people’s lives as archaeologists have found some very old instruments, such as drums, flutes, trumpets and other musical artifacts, in ancient tombs.

When the Spanish, with their Catholic missionaries and their African slaves, conquered Ecuador in the 16th century, many other musical styles were introduced. The mixture of the indigenous, Spanish and African music and sounds have formed very distinctive music styles that are present today.

Ecuador is well-known for marimba, a unique form of music that was introduced by the Esmeraldas. It is a direct and virtually unchanged import from the Western Africa region. Marimba is played on a musical instrument of the same name. The instrument features wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators, and these bars are played with small mallets.

Pasillo, pasacalle and yarabi are also very popular forms of music in Ecuador. El pasillo is played with an instrument that usually has six strings which are either strummed or plucked like the strings of a guitar, and the rondin, which is similar to a flute. The musical style is usually down tempo and it is descended from the waltz. Pasacalle is a form of dance music, while the sentimental yarabi is probably the most popular form in Ecuador.
The inhabitants of the Chota River Valley have also invented a form of music called the bomba, which has achieved a bit of a reputation outside the region.



Anonymous said...

what music do you want?
Balm gentle music
Why do you go to blogs?
Brother it's so cheap...."

love it!

más de esto
or whatever you feel like captain Mi

arvind said...


Miguel, Miguel, Miguel...
thank you, thank you, thank you!

Listening to Squiban now, very beautiful! :)

Unknown said...

can you please, please re-upoad this

pretty rare record of ecuadorian music!!!!


Miguel said...


Do you have a name?

I'll might do it one of these days...