

Khurajj Arsen - Shichepshin
Арсен Кураж - Шикапшина

01 - Yslamey
02 - Jalaghole Kafe
03 - Kafe
04 - Wuic Xesh
05 - Kafejj
06 - Melixhue Kafe
07 - Kafejj1
Folk artists Khurajj plays the classical Adyghe instrument Shichepshin.
Shichepshin, Schitsch'epschine, Shikapshina, Шикапшина
- stringed bowed musical instrument of the Adyghe (Circassians).
There are musical instruments - symbols of the people: a guitar and castanets, Spanish, Scottish bagpipes, Russian balalaika, the Greek lyre, pandora Ukrainians ... For the Circassians it is - the stringed musical instrument: Shichepshin. In the old days a Shichepshin was compulsory in the guest rooms.
 Shichepshin and phachich  in the guest-chamber
The name "Shichepshin" is derived from two words Circassian: shicha - horse tail and pshina - a musical instrument. It is called a "horse tail", because the strings and bow made of horsehair. In ancient times this instrument was indispensable part of any kind of Circassian family holiday. It's unusual sound is gently woven into the pattern of national melodies, giving it a unique flavor.
Shichepshin known in the North Caucasus since ancient times. There are Shichepshins in different forms: kinzhaloobraznye, lodkoobraznye, oval trapezium. Shichepshin are made of ash or alder body with a tool they have to be carved out of the wood. Decos, before the end of 18 century, were made from sheep's skin. Nut was not, instead the string is pulled with a strap, which was changed by moving Mensur.

As such, the traditional Adyghe instrumental ensemble comprised at least three sound units, three components. The first is musical instrument: a kamil (airophon), a shichepshin  (a kind of a violin) or a  pshina - an Adyghe harmonic, which appeared approximately a 100 years ago. There could be several musical instruments. There were cases a  kamil  used together with another  kamil,  a  kamil  combined with a  shichepshin, or a  shichepshin  used together with a  pshina.

Adyge folk musical instruments include the kamyl end-blown flute, the shichepshin fiddle, and the pkhachich percussion. The accordion became popular in the middle of the 19th century. Adyge folk tunes echo frequently in the works of Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Alyabyev, Mily Balakirev, and other classic Russian composers, who became acquainted with exotic local music while travelling in the Caucasus.
thanks for the music to www.Tscherkessen-Koeln.de

1 comment:

nicholab said...

love your blog. always interesting.