
Bom apetite!

Sotaque maranhense na arte de cozinhar
Wellington Reis e José Ignacio

01 Peixe ao Escabeche na costa de mão
02 Cuxá Orquestrado
03 Cururu Mina-Jeje
04 Divino doce de calda cacuriado no crioula
05 Sururu chorado no leite de coco
06 Caldeirada de camarão na baixada
07 Peixe frito no samba
08 Vatapá no coco catulé
09 Torta de camarão zabumbada
10 Casquinho de caranguejo no cordão do bicho
11 Arroz de mariscos no lelé
12 Licor de cupu - Instrumental
Carrasqueira (Antônio) : flautas
Ubiratan Sousa : violão 7, cavaco, violão 6, banjo (Arroz de Mariscos No Lelê); agogô e surdo (Divino Doce de Calda Cacuriado no Crioula); tamborim (Cuxá Orquestrado) e “papel na mão” (no Arroz de Mariscos No Lelê).
Paulinho : piston
Valdir : trombone
Sumé : sax
Pitoco : clarinete
Mauro Brucli: cello
Ari: baixo
Gordo Elinaldo: banjo (Cuxá Orquestrado)
Marco Barros: violão (Peixe ao Escabeche Na Costa de Mão)
Tomaz: rabecas e violino
Miltinho: bandolim
José Pretinho e Wellington “Chororó”: percussão e efeitos
José Ignácio e Wellington Reis: ambientação de feira livre (vozes solo)
Inácio Pinheiro, Roberto Brandão, Fátima Passarinho, Luciana Pinheiro e Wellington Reis: Coro

"The momentum and obvious thought - intelligent thought - is treating this album like a feast, making analogies between the well-seasoned, well eaten and well digested.

Come as if ...

And this would be the "crack" of the alleged genius. I, however, far from genius, I prefer to treat this album as it in fact is an honest and lucid moment of poetry. And only those who know art works of the immense difficulties that exist, making it simple, keep it beautiful.

They say the most demanding gourmets, in fact, proper seasoning is in the fingertips of those who cook. It is not enough, therefore, mix salt, lemon and onion in order to get certain flavor. If it were, everyone who knew a few words would do a verse worthy of the name. The difference, therefore, is who got the words or mixed seasonings.

This disc, in turn, is a perfect blend. It tastes like a Sunday morning and the smell of white towels. Suggests beers. It brings together friends, close people, you need not hear the laughter to know they exist.
It's morning in this album. Morning of St. Louis: clear, passionate, evocative, beautiful.

There are Tiquiras before.
There are laughs later.
There is sunshine.

(Américo Azevedo Neto)


bolingo69 said...

Looks like a fantastic feast. A scrumptious meal to whet the apetite...

I'm getting rather hungry here!

Thanks for the invitation Mi!

Miguel said...

Yes dear Bo! This is a feast and the rare case where you have to give 11 points out of ten possible ones :)

I would be singing along if I only could remember the words ... :)


Miguel said...


They got the




Winner in 2004 in Sweden !!!

Recipes sung with northeast brazilian music and rhythm, with a cookbook published by musician Wellington Reis...


Anonymous said...

All these plates
look delicious,
smell delicious,
sound delicious,
and you cook with your heart
keep it beautiful....