
Ukrainian Voices

Voix Ukrainiennes



Chants Populaires:

1. Notre malanka (trad.)
2. la jeune fille (trad.)
3. toi mon chou, toi mon planton (trad.)
4. le cosaque a quitté l’ukraine (trad.)
5. ce matin le soleil ne s’est pas levé (trad.)
6. o toi rossignol, chante (trad.)
7. dans le champ, la charrue trace un sillon (trad.)
8. là où nous nous sommes promenés (trad.)
9. dans la rue, on y joue de la musique (trad.)
10. Le chemin qui mène à tarass (ossadtchij)
11. O toi mon lin (trad.)

Chants Religieux:

12. Viva (d. bortnianskij)
13. Bonsoir ô toi maître (trad.)
14. A bethleem il y a un évènement (trad.)
15. Dans la ville de kiev (trad.)
16. O sainte vierge (d. bortnianskij)
17. Dans ton royaume (m. leontovitch)
18. Sainte vierge réjouis-toi (j. yatsynevitch)
19. Pardonne-nous seigneur (m. léontovitch)
The second record by the Ukrainian group Kalena. Folk-songs and liturgical chants that were banned in the USSR for some seventy years.
KALENA is one of the best choral ensembles from Ukraine, accompanied by traditional instruments and some professional dancers.

These 85 fabulous artists were discovered in 1990 at the University of Poltava (400 km east of Kiev) by Catherine Azad, a professor of music and of Russian origin. She also met Gregory Levchenko, professor of music and singing, sentenced to eight years hard labor for conducting Ukrainian folk songs in public. During the 70 years of communism, most popular songs were banned and have transmitted secretly. Today, Gregory Levchenko is undoubtedly the living memory of folk and religious music of his country at the crossroads of streams of music in Europe.
About vol. 1 Ukrainian Voices:
If you want a taste of the "black soil" of genuine Ukrainian folk music, this is the CD to get. If you want to hear this music in highly artistic performances, this is also IT. In the accompanying leaflet, Catherine Azad, the researcher and producer of the recording, writes: "The first time I heard a group of women singing in the Ukrainian countryside was a real shock for me". Having even heard some Ukrainian folk songs sung in live performances by classically trained singers, I can put myself in her shoes hearing this CD, even though the sound quality may not be great due to the circumstances under which the recordings had to be made, and even though intonation may not be perfect in all cases, especially when the songs are sung by peasants. However, such small deficiencies only add to the impression that here is "the real thing", that one witnesses the rebirth of one of the most important aspects of Ukrainian culture: Its national musical heritage. 
~ ertner rasmussen
Kalena \k(a)-le-na\ as a girl's name is a variant of Kalina (Slavic), and the meaning of Kalena is "flower".


kokolo said...

Oh yes o yes, one thanks from my father in law.

Miguel said...

Happy listening to the whole family!
